Story Revenue Shares

What is this new feature?

Fans can now support their favorite artists by purchasing shares from their stories! Not only does this help artists monetize their work quickly, but it also lets you earn some cash while supporting the creators. The best part? Artists still fully own their content.

What's the idea behind this feature?

This feature aims to achieve three key goals:

  1. Help artists monetize their work swiftly, providing them with initial income for future chapters.
  2. Empower fans to become content ambassadors and earn from the content they love.
  3. Strengthen the community around the story and foster a sense of shared passion.

Do I make money with content shares?

When you own a content share, you get a slice of the generated revenue. The more shares you have, the more you can earn.

Does MangaCat or the platform take a piece of the share sale profits?

Nope! All the revenues from share sales goes straight to the artist.

Do artists keep control of their work and intellectual property (IP)?

Absolutely! On MangaCat artists always keep complete control of their work, and own 100% of their intellectual property. Your shares represent a part of the revenues generated on MangaCat from that IP.

How can I start investing in content shares?

To purchase content shares, head to your favorite artist's story on our marketplace and look for the options to support their work. All the details are on the story's page.

Can I sell my shares to other fans?

It's in the works but not available just yet. Stay tuned for the ability to sell shares in the future!

How do I keep an eye on my earnings from content shares?

We'll send you an email every month with the lowdown on your earnings. You'll also see the revenues in your MangaCat coin balance. You can cash in your coins to USD via PayPal once you hit $30 (or 600 coins).
Until then, spend those hard-earned coins and discover new artists on MangaCat!

Where can I learn more about this feature?

If you're still curious, send our team a word! For the more details, head to our Help or Support section on the platform. We're here to help!